Gimnazija Šentvid is a high school in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with outstanding sportfacilities. The coordinator for all exchanges at gimnazija Šentvid is Manica Perdan-Ocepek. Besides Manica, Vinko Horvat is participating in the programming and implementation of the exchange projects with Udens College in the Netherlands.
Located on the roof of gimnazija Šentvid, the school has a small observatory, where students and alumni can join the 'astro club'. They study stars, galaxies and planets of our solar system with telescopes, complemented with data registration and image processing. Members meet regularly to discuss various issues - from sunspots to black holes, planets around other stars, supernovas, comets and dark matter, but also just for fun. You can see photos and videos of recent observations (solstice and eclipse) on this website.
Seen from the roof of the school, the sun sets at midsummer exactly behind Triglav, the highest mountain in Slovenia. Watch their video of a magical sunset on June 24 - 2011.